Getting Started


The tsconfig.json file is used to allow typescript to compile the project. The minimum version of typescript required is typescript 2.1.1.

Depending on the time of reading this, the required version might be a release candidate so typescript@rc might need to be installed.

This can be installed via

    npm install typescript@rc

Check the version of typescript that is used to compile the project.

if you are using visual studio code you can specify which typescript to use. This way you can compile with a different compiler version.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "Node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false

This is a basic setup of the tsconfig.json file.


The main application will require a couple of imports from the can-i framework in order to start the framework. There will be three main functions that will be needed to start the application. The Configure, BootStrap and Listen functions. Each function serves a different purpose and highlights a different stage in the application life.

import { Configure } from 'can-i/Config';
import {BootStrap,Listen} from "can-i/win";

The BootStrap function allows for the application to create an instance of the listener that will be responding to incoming requests. This also has the following configuration in order to allow some defaults when the application launches.

The Bootstrap function takes the following optional parameter.

    interface Configuration {
        controllers?: string
        services?: string
        views?: string

The BootStrap function has good defaults and can be booted without any configuration.


This is the default for the configuration. These fields represent the following.

Field Description
controllers The directory containing all of the controllers
services The directory containing all of the services

Allows the configuration of the running instanceof of the application. At this point the services and the controllers are all loaded and the listeners have been configured. These are mostly flags that can be set on or off.


Allows the application to be booted and accepts a callback that will run once the application is ready. This is jusst an alias to the http listen method.


// ./index.ts

//Final File

import { Configure } from 'can-i/Config';
import {BootStrap,Listen} from "can-i/win";

    This creates the listener but doesn't start it.
const app = BootStrap({

This enables certain features in the framework

    Booting the server on port 3000

    console.log("Server Booted");

results matching ""

    No results matching ""